Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Learning UDK

Alright, so we've had about 5 classes dealing with the Unreal Development Kit (UDK). Covering basically importing of static meshes, constructing maps, materials and basic multiplayer level creation.

We've learned that our final projects will be to either:
a) Construct a map that demonstrates good
gameplay dynamics.
b) Construct a non-playable map that
demonstrates artistic ability.

I specifically asked, "How often do you get both in one package?"
The response was "Never, considering the time frame. Focus on one attribute or you might not finish."

I plan to challenge that, so I'm creating a 3d/sidescroller.

Currently, I'm just playing with general technicalities to get an idea of what I need to know, and a sidescroller was strongly recommended against for the difficulties (in UDK atleast).
As it stands, I've figured out how to create the sidescroller view and lock the players view to [forward]. The problem I'm trying to beat is that the crosshair will point directly at the player, shooting the wall behind him, instead of forward.

From Blog_Uploads

So, I'll be powering at this tonight and seeing if I can beat this little bump, then move on to aligning the controls to see if I can give it a good feel.

Will update, wish me luck.

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